Threshold Part 1
Each notebook can contain one or more of the following categories:
Study of traditional sciences and occultism
Spiritual and religious traditions
Meditations, practices
Excerpt from philosophic in relation to the subjects treated
This part contains a series of 12 lessons.
(Recommended study time: One lesson per month, i.e. 12 months)
Excerpt from the summary:
Introduction to the Kabbalah
The Symbolism and Realities of Kabbalah Castles
The Hebrew alphabet
Numbers from 5 to 8
Simon the Magus
Kabbalah Basics
The number 6 - from the Seal of Solomon
the antitheses of life
Gnosis: The Ophites, Egyptian Basilides, The Oriental School of Valentin, The Pistis Sophia, Hyppolite and the Perates, Symbolism of the serpent, the Naassenes,
Treatise on astral travel
lucid dreaming practice
Reflections on the finality of the earth experience – the cycles of humanity
The chakras
Introspection: your conception of God
Reality of the Martinist way - origins of Martinism
Psychic Abilities
Threshold - Part 1
Active member of the OKRC + Course Threshold - Part 1
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Option to request your initiation
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