Archconfraternity of
What is the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah?
The Archconfraternity of Ieschouah is a group of men and women who have received the hidden transmission of Christian mystics, the inner sacraments of the religious lineage of Christian Kabbalah and who have placed themselves under the high protection of Ieschouah.
The sacred name of Ieschouah was revealed by Christian Kabbalists of the Renaissance and became the heart of spiritual and esoteric practices that are part of the religious lineage of the Patriarchs Rose-Cross.
Brothers and Sisters of the Archconfraternity use individual practices and generally taking place over periods of 40 days.
This mystical journey has the potential to deeply transform and improve your existence.
Periods of community retreat regularly bring together brothers and sisters of the Archconfraternity for private teachings and practices of Christian Kabbalah.
Medal of Ieschouah
This medal was discovered in Rome and is called the “campo dei fieri medal.” It is worn by all the members of the Archconfraternity, generally during their devotional practices.
Life in the World
Brothers and Sisters of the Archconfraternity do not live outside the world. They practice a rigorous asceticism while continuing to live according to the occult principles received on the material and spiritual levels.
Through their work, they participate in the progress and the enlightenment of society.
Presence of the Archconfraternity
The Archconfraternity is present in several countries of the world. Groups of brothers and sisters gather on certain occasions to celebrate, pray and participate in retreats.