Magic Kabbalah

Magical Kabbalah course
With this course you will:
Use exercises to quickly increase your personal energy
Learn what form waves are and use them in association with the invisible powers of Kabbalah
Discover the magical and energetic use of the various forms of Solomon's seal
Learn to use Hebrew pendulums
Learn to use the powers of colors.
Discover the various magic squares and invoke the powers associated with them
Discover and use the magical invocations from the Sepher Raziel.
This Kabbalah license module has 9 sections, 38 lessons, 1 hour of teaching video, 1 hour of audio, as well as numerous radionics diagrams and talismans to print.
These documents include "magical invocations according to the Sepher Raziel" as well as the magic of the Autioth.
The magic kabbalah
Simply stated, Kabbalah is the esoteric interpretation of the Bible. It therefore comes from Judaism and was also used by the Christian tradition.
But you don't have to become a kabbalist to use the powers of Kabbalah!
Indeed, there is also a very effective magical use of these esoteric keys and this sacred language.
The processes of radionics and dowsing are for example associated with the Hebrew Kabbalah to obtain powerful and very effective effects. These radionics techniques are taught in the course. You will discover how to use the waves of form emitted by the seal of Solomon and the Hebrew letters.
In conclusion, this course presents a set of very numerous practical keys that you will be able to use with profit in your life.
Contents of the course
1- Energetic kabbalistic practices
Magic Kabbalah
Kabbalistic science
Techniques of energy breathing
Relaxation practice
Technique of emptiness
Mastering the present
Practice of visualization
Technique of Pene-Ymeth
Technique of calling the Othioth
The positive powers
2- Technique and practice of radionics - Shape powers
Introduction to shape power
The magic shapes
Mother shapes, oscillating circuits and their use
Principles of radionics; the different methods of preparing witnesses, the different forms of radionics, gold and silver and their use, ritual of invoking the decagon, Hebrew magic charges of water
The rebalancing shapes, their technique and use
The influence of Hebrew shapes and their use
3- The Seal of Solomon
Kabbalistic Magic of the Seal of Solomon (SDS)
Various SDS energy patterns and their application in spiritual help
SDS planetary secret key
The SDS witness
Use of SDS by color emission: theory and practice
Use of SDS in the treatment of plants, charge of water according to kabbalistic powers, neutralization of harmful waves and protection against negative energies of all kinds. Ritual of call of the forces of the SDS and restoration of the vital energy.
4- Kabbalistic pendulums
How to use an energizing pendulum, kabbalistic pendulums and words of kabbalistic powers
Form and number, the equatorial pendulum and the Kabbalah, radionics theory and practice of the equatorial disk
5- Therapeutic powers of colors
Theory of color
Hebrew colors and letters action
Therapeutic glossary of colors
Method of chromo-diagnosis and treatment
6- Magic squares
Construction of magic squares
The different orders of magic squares
The planetary squares and their magic signatures
7- Classical Astrology and Kabbalistic Astrology
Principles of classical astrology
Principles of Kabbalistic Astrology
Magic of the Autioth
8- Magical invocations according to Sepher Raziel
9- In-depth articles.
The other universe and the shapes powers.
Fractals and multiverse

Magic Kabbalah
Valid until canceled
Cette formation est placée sous la supervision de
Jean-Louis de Biasi, 9e Ill. Grand Patriarche R+C

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