Baccalaureate of Kabbalah
Baccalaureate of Kabbalah
You must have completed all 4 modules to receive your diploma.
1st Module: The Essentials of Kabbalah
2nd Module: Initiatory Cabbalism
3rd Module: Esoteric Tarot
4th Module: Portae Lucis
Initiatory Cabbalism
Valid until canceled
Initiatory cabbalism
Module 2 of the Baccalaureate in Kabbalah offered by the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross.
This course in Kabbalah has 23 lessons.
The proposed documents represent approximately 400 printed pages.
These courses are associated with audio documents as well as invocations of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. These courses have been automatically translated from French.
Among the topics covered:
- The doctrines of God, Cosmos, law and man
- The Books of the Old Testament
- The Hagiographic books, the last prophets, the Apocryphal Books, the Pseudepigraphic Books, the principles of the Talmud, the Mischna and the Gemara.
- Midrashim and Targumim
- The Mystical Origins of the Kabbalah
- Mount Sinai, the schools of the Prophets,
- The Sepher Ietzirah
- The Sephiroth and the Four Worlds
- Main commentaries on the Zohar
- The Tetragrammaton
- Gematria, Notarikon, Temurah
- The Divine Names in the Sepher Ietzirah
- The Zohar
- The 4 Secret Plans of Kabbalah and the Kabbalistic Triad
- Oriental education and Western education
- The Mystical Method and the Occult Method
- Universality and Esoteric Way of the Tree
- The Basis of Divination on the high planes
- Knowledge of Good and Evil
- The Mystery in Numbers
- Fundamental Character of Otz Chiim and the mysteries of the Tree of Life
- The Kabbalah Theodicy
- Study of each sephirah
-The Emanations and the Vessels, the Kings of Edom, the Vanished Creations, the Rupture of the Vessels, the Restitution
This training is under the supervision of
Jean-Louis de Biasi, 9th Ill. Grand Patriarch R+C
Students from Africa or wishing to pay in another way
It is possible to pay for this training and other subscriptions from Africa by a very simple method explained on a specific page. Please click here to view this page.